
Creating Bets

Log in as admin, in the admin-menu choose "Bets" and then click on this symbol: Then a new site will appear: Here you have to insert the Title, a Start-date and a End-date, and how many possibilities your bet has. You can also insert a image for your bet, if you don't the image of the category (which you choose later) will be taken. In the second Step you insert your Possibilities: Then you have to choose a category for your bet. You have also the possibility to create a category. If you insert a bet for the first time you have to create a category. In Step (4/5) you will be asked if you will go on with your values, and in step (5/5) your bet is inserted successfully.
Note: Your bet and category will only be visible if the start time has passed.

Creating Categories

Inserting Categories works in the same way like inserting Bets. You have to insert a Name, and to upload a picture, which will automaticly be resized.

Evaluating Bets

The betlist (the menu-item "Bets") is the main administration tool for your bets. You have a symbol to delete bets (red circle on the screenshot). Note that you should only delete bets, if the start date is in future. If you delete a bet which is allready started, the credits of the users will be given back to them.
The winning possibility of a past bet is red.
If a bet expires, you have to evaluate the bet (Set the right possibility, e.g. one team of a Football match). Normally the admin does this a few time after the bet expires. You can do this under the admin-menu point "Bets" by clicking on the lock-symbol near the right possibility (blue circle on the screenshot): After a successful evaluation all users will get their won credits, and get a mail.

User Administration

The User Administration takes place in the admin-menu Users, where you as an admin you can see details of each user account. If a user registered regularly his state is active and he can bet. A user has to confirm his registration by a mail. If he doesn't his state is "inactive". You can manually lock users if someone behaves strange in the bet-office or you have other reasons. A locked user can not execute bets. Further more you have the possibility to change the users balance ("Change balance") or to delete the user ("Delete User"). You can also make a User to be a "betmaster", which means the user will have the possiblitiy to create bets and categories, and to evaluate Bets. It helps you to manage the administrative part of the bet-office.

The User Profile

Every user, the admin too has a personal menu, where is shown his balance and four more menu points. There you can find a list of the bets you have executed under "My Bets" and a list of your successful bets under "My won bets". You can also show your personal Profile under "My Profile" and edit it under "Edit Profile".


The quotes are variable and totalisator based. It means it works like Horse-betting. The winning users share the credits of the loosing users. The admin can not set manually the quotes (betting with fixed quotes) like in commercial bet-offices. If the value of a quote is a "-" it means noone has jet betted on this possibility.


The admin can create additional pages for his bet-office, by clicking on this symol in the left menu. The pages can be edited by taking this symbol: and deleted with .

Transactions and Logs

The admin has a clue what is going on in his office, by using the transactionlist, where every execution of bets from the users is visible. Even more details offer the Logs, wher every login, logout, execution, insertion, etc. is recorded.